The White Silence
by Maxim Drogaytsev

Chocolate wedding is a moment of processual importance and indication of a true spirit of hospitality. It incorporates all crucial cultural elements with an emphasis on visual discovery and experience of instant connection. Practical sudden concern of the evening structure and weight caused serious attention to the rhyme details.

As time is marching away and breathing becoming heavier one missing bouquet is perfect replacement for an answer on rough play with fashion. The bride was threaten by loud noise and taken away by the anxiety and hesitation. The groom practiced rigid control of the facial muscles and maintained natural shoulder line.

Occasional action excitement and unexpected visit of a distant relative uncovers some dusty secrets of the worn out luggage. Recently arrived distinguished wedding guest strikes a noticeable pose, leading to the grand finale of the sumptuous wedding party.

Maxim Drogaytsev © 1999-2025 • all rights reserved • contact me for photo usage or prints